Wednesday 16 November 2016

In todays blog ill be looking at football boots,

Football is the most recognised sport around the world generating huge amounts of money each year between shirt sales ticket sales and mainly boot sales. Boots of the past were usually plain black or white leather by nike, puma or adidas. Nowadays boots are of all shapes and sizes and much more colourful and attractive to the eye,
Some may argue that the classic look is nicer and last longer and play better but thats up to personal opinion. 
New brands like nike have started to introduce a sock to the top of the boots for "added comfort and more ankle support". The sock not only does this but it "magically" raises the price of the boot by about 100 euro.
Lots of football starts like Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have set up their own boot line with nike or adidas Messis called F50 and Ronaldos called CR7, Ronaldos would be more famous due to nikes better standard boots.
Most footballers get a new pair of boots per game, A footballer played about 35 games a season for club that leaves 35 pairs of boots per game discluding training, This leaves 35 pairs of boots in trash going no where, But what some footballers have decided to to is donate them to charities to help out money wise this and some keep a lot of pairs for personal collection.

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